Mental Health Education

Unmasking Post-COVID Anxiety in Teens

Danielle Blyden
February 5, 2024
min read

Remember those days when the most annoying thing about your teenager was their uncanny ability to sleep until noon? When your biggest worry was their non-stop texting or that questionable new TikTok dance trend? The world has changed and so have our worries.As the tides of the COVID-19 pandemic begin to fade we face a new wave - a surge of teen anxiety, an "emotional aftershock," lingering even as the virus recedes. Much like a sandcastle hit by the high tide, we're left to rebuild, often unsure of where to start.

Here's the kicker, though. We're not just dealing with ordinary sandcastles. We're addressing the complex, mysterious, and sometimes hilariously unpredictable minds of teenagers. With guidance, patience, and perhaps a dash of that humor we all desperately need, we can navigate this uncharted territory together.

1. Open The Communication Channels

Talk, talk, talk. And listen, listen, listen. It's not just about maintaining the open channel, but also about understanding the frequency on which your teen communicates. Remember, we're talking about individuals who use 'lit' to describe something good, and 'sick' to mean something even better. Keep up, or you might find yourself lost in translation!

2. Normalize the Experience

Normalize their feelings. It's crucial to understand that everyone experiences anxiety to some degree. By normalizing it, we're saying, "It's okay to feel anxious," and yes, this is a part of the human experience - just like their questionable tik tok dances!

3. Encourage Healthy Coping Mechanisms

Physical activity? Check.

Balanced diet? Check.

Adequate sleep? Check. (Well, hopefully).

It's also time to introduce mindfulness practices, such as meditation or yoga. If your teen looks at you like you've suggested they start eating broccoli for breakfast, remind them that even NBA players use mindfulness to up their game

4. Reintroduce Social Interactions

Teens are social creatures. One year of social distancing might have felt like a lifetime for them. As we tread towards normalcy, it's important to reintroduce social interactions gradually. Start with small gatherings then build your way up.

5. Seek Professional Help

Finally, if the anxiety persists or intensifies, don't hesitate to seek professional help. There's no shame in reaching out. Remember, we wouldn't attempt to fix a broken leg with a bandaid, sorry to get so dramatic but it’s the truth!

An agency like Bloom that has therapists who provide support to anxious teens can help equip with tools to get them back on track! At the end of the day, the goal is to ensure that our teenagers can look back at these times not as a period of unending anxiety but as a testament to their resilience and adaptability.

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